pickled cabbage

by richard.abrain1@yahoo.com
(louvale, ga.)

i am trying to find out if it is possible to pickle cabbagge just like i do dill pickles. i have been making my own dill pickles for years and have made quite a variety of dill pickles to include carrots, jalapenos, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, and celery all mixed up with the cukecumbers, and it turns out very delicious. this year i have an abundance of cabbage, and just wondered if it can be pickled like my cukecumbers and other vegetables. also i wonder if the recipe i use for vinegar and water would work the same on cabbage as dill pickles? can anyone help me? richard.abrain1@yahoo.com

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Sep 22, 2014
Pickled Cabbage NEW
by: Judy

Yes you can pickled cabbage just like you can your dill pickles...I do and the family loves it.

Jul 09, 2010
Pickled Cabbage vs. Sauerkraut
by: Country Home Canning

Isn't Pickled Cabbage the same as Sauerkraut? I was just wondering. My Grandparents always made homemade Sauerkraut.

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